Applies to: ZWCAD 2018

Since 2018 SP2, we enhance the dynamic input, which is not only include the command auto-complete, but with pointer input and dimensional input, which is almost the same as ACAD. This feature is controlled by dynprompt and dynmode.

Dynprompt: only it turns on (1), then dynmode setting will work.



All Dynamic Input features, including dynamic prompts, off


Pointer input on


Dimensional input on


Both pointer input and dimensional input on

For ZWCMDLINE, it has been abolished because we have added above 2 system variable to control it.

After SP2 released, we also got feedback that some customer want to go back to SP1, which only show command line auto-complete, even do not want to see the command tip as below shown.

(Note: 2019 official has implemented this request.)

This cannot be easy to set the SV, but can get similar result by following work-around. the difference is that we only hide it not to be seen, but actually you input there, and can see the result from the command line, but cannot see what you input in command line.

Try to click the "Drafting Tooltip Appearance" button and then change the "Size" to -3 and "Transparency" to 100%. Then click the "Colors" button to change the following three items to 26, 30, 34 color (the same color as the drawing area background).
(1) 2D model space ->Drafting tool tip
(2) 2D model space ->Drafting tool tip contour
(3) 2D model space ->Drafting tool tip background
In this way, set up the DYNMODE=1, there will be command auto completing and the pointer input with tooltip as well. But the pointer input and tooltip are invisible. Please check the attached video.
