Applies to: ZWCAD, ZWCAD+, ZWCAD Classic, ZWCAD Architecture and Mechanical.
In the following image, the record marked with red rectangle, means that the user has borrowed node from the Server, and you can see its host name.
1) In the LMTools-->"Server Status" tab
2) View the log file from Config Services for details such as check-out and check in time, and user name. For example, below you can see that on 13:17:03, the user IvyZ@Ivy borrowed a node from the Server and still has not returned yet. "Ivy" is the computer name, and you can check its IP address by Ping.
3) On the client computer, you can see the information in license manager as below figure shown.
a) The license has expiration date, when you click Return License button.
b) You will get following window to indicate you this is a borrowed license.