Applies to: ZWCAD 2006, ZWCAD 2008i, ZWCAD 2009i, ZWCAD 2010, ZWCAD 2011, ZWCAD 2012, ZWCAD+ 2012, ZWCAD+ 2014, ZWCAD+ 2015, ZWCAD Classic.

A group is a saved set of objects which you can choose and modify together or separately as needed. Groups provide an easy way to edit the drawing units as a unit. You can add or remove objects to or from the groups as needed.

1. Create a group through dialog box

By commanding Group, a dialog box will appear as follow,

You can choose to tick the Create as unnamed group item to create a group without naming it. Or you can input a name, which will be displayed in the above such TEST and TEST1. The description is optional for creating a new group.

As for the Modify Selected Group, you can edit a existed group, such as rename or un-group. 

2. Create a group through command line

If you want to create a group without opening the dialog box, you can input -group in command line, and following the tips the group can be created. In this way users can only create as named group.

3. System variable PICKSTYLE

PICKSTYLE is used to specify the use of associated hatch selection and group selection.

value Setting
0 Does not use group selection or associated hatch selection
1 Uses group selection
2 Uses associated hatch selection
3 Uses group selection or associated hatch selection 

So if you want to select a group, the PICKSTYLE needs to be set as 1 or 3.