Applies to: ZWCAD 2015, ZWCAD 2014, ZWCAD 2012


To convert AutoCAD tool palettes to ZWCAD+ tool palettes (ZWCAD 2015,ZWCAD 2014 and ZWCAD 2012)


1. This tool can only convert the customized .XTP file.

2.For block objects used by the .XTP files, they should be in the original path, or add the directory of block objects to “Support File Search Path”.

How to use this tool: 

1. Run TPConvertor.exe, open the dialog box.

2. Select one palette of ACAD (.XTP or .XML)

3. Save to a new palette file for ZWCAD+ (specify version, path and name), click OK.

4. Execute command CUSTOMIZE, load the new palette file in ZWCAD+.