Applies to: ZWCAD 2018, ZWCAD 2017, ZWCAD Classic, ZWCAD+ 2015
ZWCAD works well in the beginning, but some time later, you may start to encounter problems, for example, "PLOT" dialog box cannot pop up, customized paper size cannot be saved successfully, etc.
To solve these types of problems, we suggest you restore ZWCAD settings first.
1. Keep ZWCAD closed, remove folder "ZWSOFT\ZWCAD\XXXX" (C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming), XXXX is the version, like 2018 for ZWCAD 2018.
2. Remove item "ZWSOFT\zwcad\xxxx" in registry editor (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ZWSOFT), xxxx means the zwcad version, for example,2018 means zwcad 2018.
3. Reboot PC, try ZWCAD again.